What’s A Domain Name ?

Simply, a domain name is the address of your website. For example, if you tell someone to come and see you at your house, the person would have to know your home address (Your street number, city name, state name and zip code). All the same, for people to be able to come to your website they would have to know your website address, which usually ends with .com, .co, .net, .info, .cafe, .sport… etc which are called TLDs (Top-level domain). And when they type that in their computer or device browser web address window/ field and click or hit Enter it takes them to your website (Your internet home).

A domain name is an identification string that defines a realm of administrative autonomy, authority or control within the Internet. Domain names are formed by the rules and procedures of the Domain Name System (DNS). Any name registered in the DNS is a domain name.


A domain name just like a phone number can be owned by registering it with a domain name registrar, which are web solutions companies such as Susu Tech. Once registered, the domain name becomes your property. However, you can lose the entitlement if you fail to renew the registration and someone else re-register it with their identification.